New graduates, Consider a Career in the Financial Service Industry

If you are currently looking to enter the working world, you may have noticed a number of listings for “sales assistants”. When I was on the job search, I scrolled past these posts without blinking. I am no salesgirl. I don’t have the swagger or the savvy, and can’t get out a pitch in under 30 seconds. As it turns out, I was hasty to discredit these listings.

There are a number of opportunities in the financial service industry that do not involve prospecting, and can lead to a secure, well paying career, where you can really make an impact.


Really though “sales” isn’t just sales…

Before I let you turn your back on sales, please allow me a few words in defense of the “sales” people.

Most people don’t know or don’t care to know about money, but understand that it is an essential part of their existence.

They seek out experts: Financial Advisors, Financial Planners, Wealth Managers.

Industry pros help people budget, invest, secure the retirement they want, send their kids to school, etc.

These professionals are in a position to help people make good decisions and accomplish their life goals.

Yes, of course there are the cut and run investors, who are into trading to make money, but for people who want to do good thing, there is potential here to make an impact, form relationships and see their effect on people’s lives.

But you still don’t want to prospect…

That’s fair. It’s not for everyone.

Despite the name, a “sales assistant” position does not involve sales at all.  Sales assistants, also called advisors assistants or investment representatives, actually play an administrative role, supporting financial advisors.

Assistants can process sales for the clients of their advisor(s), and for this reason often have similar training to Advisors and form relationships with clients. But they do not build their own books or give financial advice.

These are usually secure, very well paying positions, and many a good representative will stay with the same advisor for decades. This is a good option for someone aspiring to a comfortable, long-term career.

For someone interested in the advising role, who likes the idea of giving advice, but not the idea of prospecting, you can look to buy someone’s book. There will be lots of opportunities for this in the near future.

As the baby boom retires over the next several years there will be many advisors looking to pass on their books to someone young and eager (“whippersnappers” they called them at a conference I recently attended. I can’t tell you how many times I heard “we’re looking for whippersnappers”). That’s because an advisor’s “book” is filled with established relationships, plans for people’s investments and futures.

They want to see that those people are still in good hands for a long time to come.


To the point

The financial service industry has ample opportunity for ambitious people to do good work with tangible results, and establish a satisfying career in the process. Among these are careers without sales or prospecting.

Any of these jobs will have requisite training programs and require the employee to complete the Canadian Securities Course. Luckily, hiring company will often pay for this training, although an applicant who has completed the CSC may stand out.

CPF Exams – FPE1 Prep

Insurance Questions


1. The maximum “term” for term insurance is?

a) 75 years

b) 65 years

c) Age 75

d) Age 100


2. A business person’s Profit and Loss statement looks like this:


Income: $200,000 (made up of $150,000 gross revenue from sales, $10,000 rental income, $9,000 pension income, $5,000 lottery winnings, $26,000 investment income).

Expenses: $125,500 (made up of $50,000 salaries for employees, $4,000 telephone & utility, $6,000 advertising, $50,500 supplies, $15,000 rental for business occupancy).


What amount can be considered in the writing of a disability income insurance policy?


a) $ 74,500.00

b) $ 200,000.00

c) $ 24,500.00

d) $ 150,000.00




1. d) Age 100

The maximum ‘term’ for term insurance is Age 100.


2. c) $ 24,500.00

Net Income = Gross Revenue less Expenses: $150,000 – $125,500 = $24,500